by Ann Pacey
This presentation will be online only. Please register below and we will send you the link to join us online.
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This walk through DEEP history talk will sum up the how, when and why DEEP was started, what we’ve accomplished in our 11 years and encourage an active discussion of the benefit to our community and ideas to re energize the organization to keep it going.
From our launch in late 2011, the joint effort between the DRA and Village Vancouver (led by Ann Pacey) focused on ‘what can we do to help ourselves’ if a major event/disaster occurs. Ann will share the early efforts with Vancouver city emergency management and community groups and the training and organizational support we received from other community emergency response groups; in particular, the Seattle based Community Support Hubs.
In addition to our core program, Map Your Neighbourhood, DEEP also organized presentations and workshops on earthquake readiness, identifying community vulnerabilties and strengths and educating our neighbours about resilience.
Ann will also summarize our participation in the 2019 Vancouver Resilient Cities effort under the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Resiliency Action Plan codeveloped with the Dunbar Resident Association and Community Centre Association.
We find ourselves in a critical moment regarding going forward and will encourage workshop participants to brainstorm as to how we can reenergize this important program.
Bookings are closed for this event.