DEEP stands for Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness. The DEEP program is a citizen’s grass roots effort to ensure our community is able to take care of ourselves after a disaster.
登巴社区地震及紧急事件的预防准备(以下简称 DEEP)
Upcoming Events
Earthquake Hazards and Risk on Canada’s West Coast
Dear friend and neighbour,
Due to the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation and new guidelines on public gatherings and individual safety, it is with regret that DEEP has decided to postpone the above named talk.
The talk will no longer take place this coming Tuesday, but a future date will be established and the talk re-advertised at an appropriate time in the future once we have passed the critical phases of the pandemic crisis.
DEEP is a community based organisation focused on information dissemination in times of emergency and crisis, as well as informing and training the Dunbar community in terms of how to prepare for such emergencies and crises.
DEEP organised a talk given by Monika Naus (MD FRCPC) from the BC Centre for Disease Control, during the earlier stages of the pandemic in February. DEEP now plans to inform and update the Dunbar community, through its website, on key sources of information, local updates, and other relevant information, as this pandemic develops and progresses. We will inform registered members of DEEP in due course and continue to advertise our activities and provide assistance to the community over the coming weeks.
18 February – Pandemics Talk
We are pleased to be able to provide the slides from this talk, please click here for more information. Many thanks to Dr. Monika Naus.
We are looking for an opportunity to send out updated information from Dr. Monika Naus regrading the COVID-19 situation.
Watch DEEP DSH Training Exercise on Global News
Around 30 people gathered to help DEEP test our citizen disaster response model at the Dunbar Community Centre on Saturday September 30, 2017.
It’s important to remember that after a major disaster occurs people will be on their own for a significant length of time and will need to look within their local resource base, as city and emergency resources will be over extended.
1. Prepare an emergency plan, so every member of your family understands what to do if there is an earthquake or other disaster.
2. Store extra food and water in your home.
3. Prepare a “Grab and Go” kit with supplies such as food, water and documents.
The Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) program is a set of videos and discussion guides that your neighbourhood can use to create an emergency plan. Map Your Neighborhood teaches 9 important steps to follow immediately after a disaster, first to secure your home, and then to help your neighborhood. MYN teaches a team approach to neighborhood response, including communications and staying safe while helping. Read more
“A major earthquake in Vancouver will impact everyone in our community. Families, neighbours, and community organizations will need to work together to support each other while emergency service personnel are responding to high-priority incidents.
Disaster support hubs are designated locations where you can initially gather to coordinate your efforts and offer assistance to other members of your community. They are also the post-disaster locations where City staff and trained volunteers will prioritize getting information and providing services to the public. There are 25 disaster support hubs located throughout the city.” Read more
DEEP offers training exercises for the DSH at the Dunbar Community Centre. Please see Events .