Presentation: If my house was designed according to the Building Code, what can I expect during in earthquake?


Mon, Mar 28, 2022    
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

by Dr. Carlos Estuardo Ventura

Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of EERF

The University of British Columbia


Earthquakes during the last three decades have shown that the expectations on the performance of buildings designed according a building code during severe earthquakes are different that those from the designers.  Performance of a building during an earthquake can be interpreted in different ways, and for a home-owner it is very important to have a clear understanding of what a “code-designed” building means.  A “code-designed” building is considered as an “earthquake resistant” building, not an “earthquake-proof” building.  This presentation will help provide a better understanding of what a “code-designed” building means, and what kind of performance can be expected if a severe earthquake happens in the region.   The concept of Performance-Based Design will be explained, as this is the procedure that building codes will follow to ensure seismic resiliency of buildings in the near future.