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DEEP’s New Website is Live!

We’re excited to announce that our new website for Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness (DEEP) is now live!

DEEP is a volunteer-run, non-profit organisation dedicated to helping our community prepare for disasters and emergencies. Our goal is simple: to ensure that neighbours can help neighbours when it matters most.

This website has been a group effort, with input from many people, and we hope it becomes a valuable resource for the Dunbar community. Here’s what you can find:

Volunteers Make It Happen

Volunteers are the backbone of DEEP. We couldn’t do what we do without the many people who give their time and skills to keep our community prepared.

We’re always on the lookout for new volunteers, and anyone can get involved—whether you have a few hours here and there or can take on a more regular role. We run workshops to teach community members what’s needed to help operate the Disaster Support Hub, and our goal is to build a network of trained volunteers across Dunbar. In the event of an emergency, these volunteers would be able to respond quickly and get the support hub up and running.

If you’re interested in learning more, getting prepared, and making a real difference, we’d love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out our site.

Get ready, get involved, and help make our community a safer place for all.

The DEEP Team

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