Dear friend and neighbour,
Due to the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation and new guidelines on public gatherings and individual safety, it is with regret that DEEP has decided to postpone the above named talk.
The talk will no longer take place this coming Tuesday, but a future date will be established and the talk re-advertised at an appropriate time in the future once we have passed the critical phases of the pandemic crisis.
DEEP is a community based organisation focused on information dissemination in times of emergency and crisis, as well as informing and training the Dunbar community in terms of how to prepare for such emergencies and crises.
DEEP organised a talk given by Monika Naus (MD FRCPC) from the BC Centre for Disease Control, during the earlier stages of the pandemic in February. DEEP now plans to inform and update the Dunbar community, through its website, on keys sources of information, local updates, and other relevant information, as this pandemic develops and progresses. We will inform registered members of DEEP in due course and continue to advertise our activities and provide assistance to the community over the coming weeks.
Earthquake Hazards and Risk on Canada’s West Coast
Geologists and geophysicists working along west coast of North America from northern California to southwest British Columbia have demonstrated that giant (magnitude-9) earthquakes occur along the Cascadia subduction zone, where the oceanic Juan de Fuca plate moves down beneath the edge of North America.
The most recent of these earthquakes happened in January 1700. Satellite GPS data extending back to the mid-1990s shows a pattern of surface deformation consistent with locking of the megathrust fault separating the Juan de Fuca and North America plates in the build-up to the next giant earthquake.
Although the next of these earthquakes will damage all cities along the length of the subduction zone, the possible damage from far more frequent, magnitude 6 and 7 crustal earthquakes is greater than that of much larger plate-boundary events.
John Clague is Emeritus Professor at Simon Fraser University. He was educated at Occidental
College (BA), the University of California Berkeley (MA), and the University of British
Columbia (PhD). Clague worked as a Research Scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada
from 1975 until 1998. In 1998 he accepted a faculty position in Department of Earth Sciences at Simon Fraser University, where he worked until 2016. Clague is a geologist with research
specializations in glacial geology, geomorphology, natural hazards, and climate change.
This event is fully booked.